A Book Finds You!

Kari Ann Martindale

Episode Summary

Author Kari Ann Martindale discusses her personal journey to writing The Flash Series, along with her process for writing poetry.

Episode Notes

In this episode of A Book Finds You! we welcome Kari Ann Martindale, a Pushcart-nominated poet & spoken word artist who has read at Arts guilds across Maryland and performed at the White House. She sits on the Board of Maryland Writers’ Association, is on the management team of EC Poetry & Prose, and is a teaching artist for Armed Services Arts Partnership. Kari Ann shares her journey of writing her book series about Flash the dog and his girl, Squirt with a great introduction to empathy and social cues. 

Visit Kari Ann Martindale's website at https://kariannmartindale.com/ for more information on her work. Don't forget to rate, review, and share this episode if you enjoyed it!